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What Another Fiesta??–Feria de Cordoba!





Once again it’s fiesta time! And we are headed south to the Feria de Cordoba. There will be plenty of food, rebujitos, and sevillanas…..but wow it certainly is tough to keep up with these southern Spaniards!

Sunday Funday in La Latina Baby!



Madrid’s old neighborhood of La Latina is pretty awesome for  many reasons….it’s variety and abundance of tapas bars, it’s charming narrow streets and outdooor terraces, it’s crazy nightlife that literally spills into the streets……BUT there’s something extra special about La Latina on Sundays…..


“In the Street” Is Where It’s At!

Spain cherishes an idea, philosophy, concept, call it what you will….and that is to be “in the street.” This simply means to clear your schedule, even if just for an hour, and meet with a friend or a group of friends for a beverage…maybe some tapas….and just be out…….and take the time to enjoy life.
No other country I’ve been to has mastered this way of living like Spain has–salud to that my friends.

Coffee or Cocktail?: Typical Bars and Restaurants in Spain

Get a taste of Spain as I take you to some of the more traditional bars and restaurants in Madrid….the “cervecerias” and “mesones.”

Plus you won’t want to miss my smooth “cutting” moves…..enjoy!

It’s Time to Party!: Las Fallas Part 1

The “trailer”: what’s to come!

Traveling is the life! And when you first move to a foreign country, it’s hard not to feel like you are on vacation… maybe I did enjoy one or several Spanish fiestas my first couple of months here. But the reality is, I’ve had to create a life for myself….and work…and pay rent. But Spain is so great! And frustrating at times….banks and stores aren’t open when you have free time from work to go to them……and don’t get me started on Spanish time (I don’t think “punctuality” translates in Spanish)….but I say all of this out of love. All of these factors play a part in the adventure.

So here is a “sneak peak” of what’s to come in my show–anything and everything from the crazy festivals, to the [seemingly] quiet and charming pueblos that nobody has heard of, or just simply the daily rituals of those born and living in Spain….the good, the bad, and the ugly….well it’s always a matter of perspective, isn’t it?
So please tune in every Monday, as I share with you some of Spain, from an American’s perspective, but with an inside scoop….I will give you what you don’t get from other travel shows….and hopefully, you will be thoroughly entertained…
Thank you for watching!